The Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing NSF/SRC Engineering Research Center seminar series is hosted by the four participating Universities; University of Arizona, MIT, Stanford and UC-Berkeley. These seminars are presented live as Teleconferences or Videoconferences and are available to participating ERC institutions. The 1997-1998 Teleconference presentations will focus on specific research efforts within Thrust areas (A, B, C) and the Videoconferences will focus on Centerwide issues.
Note that all conferences will be held at 11:00 Pacific Standard Time beginning with the November 20, 1997 Thrust C Teleconference

1997 - 1998 Seminar Series Schedule

Next Seminar Thrust C
November 20, 1997 11:00-12:00 Pacific Standard Time (NEW TIME) - Telephone call-in number is: 650-723-2394

For more information on the seminar series, please contact:

Dr. Ronald Chiarello
Stanford University
Phone: 650-723-5696
Fax: 650-723-0495

John Fox
Stanford University
Phone: 650-725-7460
Fax: 650-723-0495


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