Low Water Rinsing of Ionic Contaminants After Copper CMP AMD Teleconference: October 2, 1998 Heather Dunlop, Srini Raghavan, Farhang Shadman University of Arizona, ChEE and MSE Departments


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Table of Contents

Low Water Rinsing of Ionic Contaminants After Copper CMP AMD Teleconference: October 2, 1998 Heather Dunlop, Srini Raghavan, Farhang Shadman University of Arizona, ChEE and MSE Departments

Overview of Presentation

PPT Slide

Determining the Bottleneck

Experimental Cell Used in QCM Technique

Experimental Procedure

Adsorption Results

Desorption Results

PPT Slide

Project Highlights

Design of a New Experimental Cell

Expanding Our Study


Future Plans

Author: ron leblanc

Email: hdunlop@U.Arizona.EDU