Development of a CMOS Array for Toxicity Monitoring
Dr. Dave Mathine: Optical Sciences
Dr. Ray Runyan: Cell Biology and Anatomy
Dr. Bob Arnold: Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Dan Liebler: Pharmacy and Toxicology
Matt Scholz: Cell Biology and Anatomy
Amruta Kulkarni: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cherry Yu: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Overview of Talk
Part I: Introduction and Background
Part II: Current Project
Part III: Progress to Date

Part I: Introduction and Background
Goal:  Online Toxicity Testing
Role of DNA
Nucleic Acid Review
Project Logic
If :
some genes regulate the abundance of proteins they express in response to toxic exposure
we should be able to assay for the presence of toxins in a sample by studying the expression of these genes. One way of doing this is to monitor mRNA levels in the cell.

Does TCE affect gene expression in the heart?
Pregnant rats were exposed to 110 ppm TCE in drinking water
Rat embryos were collected at day 11 when heart valves were forming
mRNA was extracted from treated and control embryos and converted to cDNA

Does TCE affect gene expression in the heart?
cDNAs were compared to look for up- and down-regulated gene expression
80 differentially-expressed clones were identified and sequenced
Several genes identified at 110 ppm TCE were affected at 100 ppb

Improvements in Methodology
Toxicants producing developmental and cellular defects alter gene expression.
Before the development of cDNA microarrays, genetic expression could only be monitored one gene at a time
cDNA microarrays on glass substrates permit monitoring of thousands of genes in one experiment

Slide 12
Microarray Measurement of Differential Gene Expression
Power of Approach
Obtain information about differential gene expression across diverse set of arrayed molecules in a single experiment

Drawbacks of Conventional Technology
Target DNA binds non-specifically and yields background noise
Labeling procedure is inherently inefficient and 90% of target is lost in process
Uniform hybridization temperature used to decouple non-homologous targets from probes fails to account for variations in target-to-probe binding energies
Insensitive to subtle changes in gene expression (< 1.5-fold)
Requires large, expensive equipment and is arduous

Part II: Current Project
Slide 17
CMOS Microarray
A set of DNA molecules (“probes”) arrayed on the electrodes of a Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) chip
Electrical gradients created on the chip surface do the work of printing and hybridizing
Inexpensive technology that will replace traditional DNA microarrays

State of the Art
Features of the Prototype Chip (a-version)
AutoCAD Illustration of New Prototype Chip (b-version)
Procedural Overview
Modify DNA probes with linker for attachment to gold electrodes
“Print” probes onto electrodes
Hybridize mRNA target molecules to probe sites
Detect binding between targets and their homologous probes

Microarray on a Chip
DNA Microarray
DNA Microarray
DNA Microarray
First proposed microarray capable of direct detection of mRNA (no reverse transcription necessary)
Quantitative and promises extreme sensitivity
CMOS platform facilitates automation and upgrading
Relatively inexpensive

Potential Applications
Toxicological studies
Researching disease pathways
Drug development
Health assessment
Agricultural research

Slide 29
Experimental Set-up
Progress to Date
Research Ahead
Target transport: electrically address complex mixtures of mRNA targets to each probe site for selective binding
Hybridization: Improve binding stringency electrically
Detection: Determine limits of sensitivity
Optimization: refine above steps in an ongoing fashion

Thank You