SRC Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing (ERC)

                                                          **  Bringing Sustainability to Semiconductor Manufacturing **

A multi-university research center leading the way to environmentally friendly semiconductor manufacturing, sponsored by the Semiconductor Research Corporation's Global Research Collaboration (GRC) Research Program

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Annual/Mid-Term Review Meetings:

2017 SRC ERC Mid-Year Review
Date to be posted


ERC-GRC Annual Contract Review Guidelines:

GRC conducts an annual review of each contract. The review is arranged by the Principal Investigator (PI) and the contract monitor. The purpose is to give visibility to students, evaluate accomplishments, showcase annual results and review plans for continuing research. The contract monitor, SACC and TAB members, faculty, student researchers, industry liaisons and other interested personal may attend the review. The review may be held at the PI's university or included in a broad area review with similar tasks at another site. You will receive a letter from GRC prior to the review reminding you of the requirements for your particular contract.

The annual review is very important, it is your best opportunity to succinctly communicate at one time with a large number of people interested in your research, and who in turn make decisions about its relevance to the industry. Review attendees look for succinct presentations that highlight not only the technical accomplishments, but their significance to the critical challenges facing the industry. Additionally, they look at your follow-through plans for the next year. Timely delivery of the required presentations help to reflect your understanding that attendance at your review is a major investment by industry attendees. The material presented at the site review must be submitted online to GRC prior to the review. It will represent your annual report of progress to be published on the Web site. Hence, it must document your accomplishments and future plans in detail. Please use the required format in the preparation of your presentation.

The primary focus of the review is on technical research results achieved during the current contract year. Where appropriate, results obtained with GRC support should be clearly delineated from those obtained with other support. The secondary focus of the review is on the research plan for the next year. If during the site review process significant changes to the direction of the task or to the deliverables then you should submit a revision of your Research Catalog page to the Research Information Analyst. Also, members value a brief summary of the status and plans to transfer results. Of special interest are those results considered ready for transfer directly to members and/or SEMATECH or third parties for commercialization.